An anonymous fashion publicity or PR gal has emerged in New York City in the past six weeks. She tweets under the name No Bullshit or @NoBtotheS. I think you have to be a bit more on the inside of the NYC fashion industry than I am to really get it, but it is painfully astute and cutting - especially when designers and fashion editors misbehave. Here are some examples:
@NoBtotheS: Wrote a quote for my client bc shes too lazy to do it herself. As if i dont have enough to do.
@NoBtotheS: Editors who dont pay attn to details in emails piss the hell out of me. Why am i being so thorough if you arent taking the time to read?!
And something I genuinely find hilarious - and not too dissimilar from my own posts:
@NoBtotheS: Im more that slightly concerned that @katyperry was the most normal looking person on the AMA red carpet...
Now she has got herself a column on Fashionista.com and her first post details all the annoying habits of Fashion Editors. Although the ones in New York clearly bear NO RESEMBLANCE to us here in South Africa since none of us have trust funds that I know about. Although she may have some points on the other issues.
Read the column here and laugh all you like. You know a Fashion Ed is going to respond with all the annoying things that PRs do to fashion Eds! Annoying Habits of People in the Fashion Industry by @NoBtotheS