So this post is more like a call to action, a rallying of the troops, if you will. I have it on good authority that 'Shire Girl' chic is in for winter. I know this in my gut. But how do I make this happen - either for me or the pages of my magazine - if I don't have the anchor piece of this look, the Barbour?
Shire Girls are like Sloan Rangers from the 80s. Only they are based in the countryside and so wear a lot of tweed and brown and khaki and quilted jackets and boots. Oh, and always, always a Barbour.
Now I neeeeeed one. Do you think I can find one here in South Africa? Not on your nelly. Not even in the horsey set in Constantia. In fact I am not even sure they knew what I was on about. And so I turn to you, my loyal readers. Anyone with any idea on where I can get a Barbour?
Answers and suggestions in the comments please. Merci.