Robyn: This is unquestionably the prettiest outfit worn by anyone all week. But I kinda want to look at the outfit separate to the Gossip Girl Queen Bee, in that I cannot scour from my mind that Marchesa lace jumpsuit monstrosity of last week. Seriously. Nor, frankly, can I usually ignore her odd legs and generally off-putting smugness. But props where due. Beautiful dress paired with gorgeous shoes has to count for something. And hair and make-up are rocking.
Marco: Leighton really is a girl who either gets it very wrong or very right. I don't know why she insists on all those "edgy" looks when we all know she is much better off dressing like Blair Waldorf. Do we need to bring up that Thom Browne suit she just wore? But In this case I cannot help but agree with you. It's pretty and understated and those shoes are the perfect colour and design. It's like she has to remind us from time to time that she actually has learned something from Gossip Girl.
PS: Ahem, Marco, just posted on that suit she wore and I loved it. Sorry mate.
Marco: I'm all for Harry Potter versus the kiddies who disappear into a cupboard. But I am rather liking the fresh young face of Ben Barnes from Narnia's latest installment. His look is sleek and clean and I know I say that a lot but - compared to smelly Rob - a clean shaven look does wonders. Instead of insulting you with yet another Hollywood tuxedo, I'd rather talk about someone who is young and dapper. Plus he's wearing a three-piece suit and you know how much I love that!
Robyn: Yikes! No offense, but all I can see are those crazy Dr Spock ears! It is scaring me a bit. Like all this kiddie-fantasy-movie malarky is scaring me away from the cinema. So unless this guy really does play Dr Spock in a movie for the grown ups, I have no opinion on him. Although his suit is very nice.