Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Olivia Wilde in Ralph Lauren and Preen

This is a bit of a delayed post. What with all the fashion week shenanigans and the Emmys malarky, I have barely had time to mop up the bits and pieces that I had planned to post. But I thought that this one was worth a show and tell. It's the actress Olivia Wilde. She turned up at the Ralph Lauren show looking all kinds of freaking amazing in this black jumpsuit, colour block heels and green handbag. I love the belt. I adore the peep hole neckline. And the lips. Well. It would be unseemly to continue. Olivia walked home afterwards. Through the streets of New York. Like this. How inadequate would I have felt if I had passed her in the street, hey? I don't think that I could look this groomed if I paid very expensive people to make it so. Nor walk in those heels. Props lady.
Also, just looking back briefly to TIFF, this Preen dress really took my fancy. Olivia is prone to looking a bit 'relaxed' in her normal life. Her fringe does things like mine does. Her bag has tassels and she is normally spotted in sweeping maxi dresses. But this Preen dress is cute and cropped and has the cool coral under skirt and pockets. She looks amazing. And navy and coral are SUCH a good combination. Note that trend peeps.