This was supposed to be a post about eyelash threading but, it isn’t.
I’ve just returned from a gruelling week of cross-country store visits – imagine The Amazing Race, combined with The Apprentice in high heels… The experience was absolutely invaluable and I’m going to tell you all about it. But in another post.
So this post is just about pretty pictures. It’s a website that I discovered through my SA photographer friend Misha Taylor’s facebook page – the photographer, Jamie Nelson, is a friend of his and I’ve followed her (um, stalked) her down to her blogspot and website. http://www.jamienelson.com/ I love her work. And the work of her make up artist, Lottie (I think!)
(Posted without permission from anyone and when and if she sees this she’ll probably take it down and take out an order of restraint against me because I’m proper obsessed!)