For the last couple of weeks everyone has been posting pictures of the magnificent handbags that comprise the new collection from Missibaba. And they really are fantastique.
Western-inspired, utility and totally of the season, these bags and accessories are utterly desirable and offer a more mature collection from this talented designer. Not to say that the previous collections weren't wonderful, they were. But there is something about this collection that signals a step up, a more coherent, well-rounded aproach to the market. And, quite simply, therefore better value for money.
And the 'Saddle Bag' is my heart's desire. But at R4,500 it is outside my immediate budget. So what to do? I love it so very much.
Well, I will save up. Isn't that what people did in the olden days? Well, that is what I shall do. And in the meanwhile, I will not look upon the bags for fear of crying. So for this post I though that I would do something a bit different.
I loved the launch event, which I thought was terribly well organised by Girl About Town, and the follow up press kit. So I thought that I might post some pics from said event with me and some of my fashion pals. Enjoy.
Top photo is my BFF Chris Viljoen (Elle Fashion Director) and I
Middle photo is me, Bronwyn Day (Glamour Fashion Ed) and Sylvia Gruber (MD Africhic.com)
Bottom photo is me and Chloe Townsend (Missibaba Designer)