No, sadly Blake Lively is not coming to play with us at StyleGuideCT. Although if you are reading, Blake, and want to help an African sista out, drop me a line...
But my EXCELLENT news is that my dear and oldest fashion friend, the majestic Sylvie Hurford (official make-up artsist for L'Oreal Paris) will be staking her weekly claim on this blog as of next week. Confirmed, approved by her bosses and to be finalised over coffee, we will now have a beauty section sitting alongside all the fashion.
Sylvie's Bible is Allure, by the way...
So, if you want to get a taste of what is in store, head over to my mate Justine's blog ifor1 or Kim Gray's blog - both links in the blog roll - who have great posts with Sylvie on them. But sorry girls, I'm stealing her now. I'm cashing in all the friendship tokens - I have more than 20 years worth.
To get the tone of how Sylvie will be contributing to StyleGuideCT, the pics above of the two of us on a shoot last week should be a clue. That shoot I saved her life by catching her before she fell off the boat. A few days before on a different shoot, we landed up digging into our Jew-ish roots and singing Hava Nagila to get a model working right. Just an average day at the office for the two of us.
Counting down now...one week to go.