I like a milliner. Hats finish an outfit and lend it a little something extra. I admire Philip Treacy. I love Stephen Jones. And I think that Albertus Swanapoel is part of my family.
As the most respected and admired hat maker in New York - annually called upon to collaborate by every hot and established American designer for New York Fashion Week - Albertus has come a long way from his days designing frocks in Pretoria. But unlike many who have fled these shores to great international success, he keeps coming back. A bit like the fashion version of onse Charlize.
I met Albertus a couple of years ago. He was in Jozi for SA Fashion Week and my dearest fashion friend Chris Viljoen was baby sitting me as ever. He introduced me and I spent a few days dipping into his company and marvelling at this amazing man. So flippin talented and yet so self contained and gentle. He also has a delightful quiet chuckle - mostly at the silliness of the industry we both inhabit.
And then he was back earlier this year. This time to collaborate with the incredible Marianne Fassler at Africa Fashion Week. I bumped into him backstage before the show. I fell upon him with glee. He didn't have the faintest idea who I was, of course. Ah, the shame, the shame.
Naturally he was charming and delightful about it all. But still I blush. And now you know. For those of you not familiar with his talents, go to his website. Get to know him. Understand his commitment to his craft and to his country of birth. Admire him equally for both.