Tuesday, October 14, 2008

News: iafrica.com Lifestyle Column #17

I've gone all journo on your asses this week in my iafrica.com piece. They asked me to summon all my sociological and (limited) anthropological education, and go and investigate some indigenous tribes of South Africa - that's style tribes of course. You can click here to read about five of them, including the Smarteez, the Long Street Trendy, the Hipster, the Label Lover and the Bushwacker.

You should also head on over to Dan's blog SASS to find out if you are a hipster, as he posted on this phenomenon in a global context a couple of weeks ago.

They used a photo that I took of Priscilla on the piece, but I thought that I would use a photo of a fabulous Smarteez, seen at Virgin Mobile Cape Town Fashion Week.