Earlier this year while judging the Africa Fashion Awards I had the opportunity to relook at much of the work of designer Duro Oluwu. We voted Duro Oluwu International Designer of the Year and I remember during our discussions, I turned to the team and I said "owning a tunic by Duro Oluwu has been an aspiration of mine forever." Famous for his almost kimono-style print tunics, he captured my imagination in my years as part of the African diaspora. I couldn't think of anything I would rather be seen in that these pieces.
And still today he combines his Nigerian roots, prints and heritage with his European design skill and wizzardry. And now he has had a new - very public - outing in the US when Michelle Obama wore one of his pieces on her holidays last week.
This is not the first time the First Lady has embraced Oluwu. She wore one of his jackets on a previous Air Force One jaunt. But it is a timely reminder that we really need to get better at celebrating our own. Why does it take the American First Lady to elevate an African designer? Why aren't we better at supporting and promoting our local talent. Sometimes what comes from abroad really isn't better. Expect to hear much more on this subject. Word.