Now those that know me, know that I love Heni. That does not preclude me from being objective, however. So I will say this and get it out the way: fabrication issues. Now I can tell you that this was a real show, the likes of which is seldom seen on our shores. It was cohesive with a strong narrative and point of view. It was luxurious and indulgent. It was evocative, taking us on a fantasy journey. It was full of quirky and intelligent details. And it was gloriously camp and androgynous all at the same time. Yes, apparently this is possible.
But the launch of the new men's wear line was the highlight. Shiny synthetics aside, this was international standard stuff. Goosebumps.
The most significant change for me in this collection is that Heni is starting to show his own design signature. This was a Heni collection. Not one that needs to be specifically referenced to another designer.
I just wish so hard that we had access to the broad availability of affordable fabrics that they do in Europe. It would have changed a lot.
Photos as ever from Simon Deiner