Everyone who knows me knows that I have never been a huge David Tlale fan. Not of the chap, you understand, for he is lovely. Rather I have always had reservations about aspects of the Tlale aesthetic and construction.
And yet, his installation at the Circe Gallery during fashion week was a chance for me to turn this around. Not only was there light AND shade, hard AND soft, bright AND subtle, but there was also a maturation at the core of the collection. Losing none of his razmataz, David Tlale managed to finess the detail, capture imagination with the intricasies rather than just the bold gestures. This is not to everyone's taste, but if you didn't see this collection up close you are not qualified to judge. For this was a collection of sophisticated and complex construction, evolved finishing and plenty of glamourous power.
Like the showman he is, he sat on his thone at a window above the crowds, smiling and waving. You could think that this was the display of an arrogant man, but I see it as a gesture of child-like joy at the knowledge of a job well done.
It may all change next time around, but for today, he shall be known as King David Tlale.
Lovely photos by Simon Deiner and team