1. It was a quiet night at fashion week on the third day. But then, it pretty much ran on time so I was grateful.
2. The FashionTalks in the morning for CNBC were fantastic and the format should be used again and more often. I love a good debate. It's one of my favourite things. The overwhelming conclusion of the three held on Day 3, was that there is a clear and desperate need to have a National Fashion Council.
3. It was also concluded that there is plenty of creative design talent in Africa, they just need to be mentored and apprenticed to learn the ropes of the business.
4. I did a piece for A-List. Apparently it is a magazine show on SABC. The interviewer wore a very pretty and sparkly dress. I talked a lot.
5. Sandra Muendane blows my mind. Her conceptual collections speak of slavery, disempowerment, pain and torture and yet there is beauty and diginity inherent in them. 90% of the audience didn't have a clue what it was all about and that is a real pity. Seat notes maybe? Is that just totally uncool? Still, it would help.
6. Ramp photos, as ever, from Simon Deiner. Kiff bru.