Do you want to be the face of an iconic local women's fashion brand?
Carducci Woman, a brand of modern sophistication, has just launched The Face of Carducci Woman Competition. Designed to become an annual event, this competition is set to uncover the woman who represents the spirit and the dynamism of the brand.
This is not a simple undertaking as the Face of Carducci is NOT FAMOUS NOR IS SHE A MODEL. According to Francois Rall, head designer at Carducci Woman she is a woman who represents our significant realities. “I don’t design around a fantasy; I design for a real woman, one who juggles modern life, travels between world cities brokering deals and still have families to care for. These are the women that inspire me; the women I relate to, these are the women I design for.” With this ethos it is clear that a simple casting will not suffice to uncover this special breed and so they have embarked on a nationwide search.
The competition is being run online at http://www.carducci.co.za and its progress can be followed on Facebook. The criteria for entry are simple:
- Individuals need to be older than 24
- They must not be represented by a model or casting agency
- They must fill out the entry form online accompanied by a head and shoulder, profile and full length picture
- They must be submitted before the 6 April 2010
Go one, enter now! I know that there are plenty of real women amoung my readers so lets see one of you win!