Lonesome Dave used to play in a band called The Mavericks back in the day when The Crow Bar was the cool place to hang in town. Waaaaay back when. These days he has his own solo gig going on, which is low-fi and red-neck jazzy, with a little Lou Reed thrown in.
I have managed to see him around town twice this week - once at Julep where he was playing and it happened to be the venue for my friend Vanessa's birthday gathering. And then last night at Boo Radleys he walked in - headed for the kitchen and then left again. Mmmmm. Interesting.
His personal style is very distinctive. Always has been. It started as a bit of an early-days Elvis thing. These days the quiff has got smaller but the style has escalated in the down-south, 50s Americana, cowboy vibe. It's cool.
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