The most stylish thing you can do today in South Africa is vote. I have just been to my local voting station in Bo Kaap (with my book) and stood in a line for 75 minutes and proudly cast my vote for the party whose ideals and principals most closely resembled my own. And no, just because I am white does NOT mean that I cast my vote for the DA. Never have and never will.
Voting with your conscience, your integrity and your ideals is the way to go. Don't vote out of fear or pressure. Don't vote 'strategically' as we have a system of proportional representation in our fine democratic country and therefore EVERY vote counts. Don't be fooled by the hype and the scare tactics of the few and the fearful.
Go and get your purple thumb and know that you have done the only thing asked of you by our governmental system. You have got involved.
By the way, anyone who remembers the rolling mass action in the years leading up to the '94 elections, will remember the day when we, the protesters for freedom and equality, got fired at by a water cannon containing purple dye. I was wearing my boyfriend blazer at the time and it was largely unscathed, but my vintage brown leather jacket borrowed by my friend got completely soaked in purple dye. I am so proud of that unwearable jacket. Look at us now - the purple are really governing.