Also at the Kimberley Hotel were boys dressed in the local designer of the moment, Stiaan Louw. This guy was also wearing a Kurt Pio hat to complete his look authentically.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Another Stiaan Boy
Also at the Kimberley Hotel were boys dressed in the local designer of the moment, Stiaan Louw. This guy was also wearing a Kurt Pio hat to complete his look authentically.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I Love Leroy Outfit
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Navy Blue and Black
News: iafrica Lifestyle Column #43

There is a mood about at the moment. So many of us are getting rid of all the unecessary clutter and stuff that clogs up our lives. If you want a step by step guide on how to do this, click here.
Wayfearer Style
Monday, April 27, 2009
Karen - Green Point
The Hair of the Dog...No More
So you all know what a tragic hair disaster I had on Saturday. Poodle head, in short. Sadly no photographic evidence exists as it was strictly prohibited, but there are about three people in the world who saw it. The best they could muster was, "it's not that bad."
Today I could no more. I took the bull by the horns so to speak, and went to a new hairdresser, begging, "please do some magic and make this right." And so she did. And here is the new short haired Style Guide. You don't have to like it, but I do. And that, my friends, is the way I roll. As my wee orange style fairy said, "everyone needs a bit of Anna Wintour in them".
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Alexandra Höjer
Saturday, April 25, 2009
News: Opening of Neo Boutique at the One&Only
Click here to read all about Sol's daughter Chantel and the new designer boutique at the V&A Waterfront.
Hair Disaster
Many of you have asked about the new hair cut and how it all worked out yesterday. Well, sadly, not good is the answer. Look, I have difficult hair. It's no one's fault. But if you see a brown haired poodle-woman walking down the street, that will be me. No pictures yet, I'm afraid.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hair Today...Gone Later
So see this hair right here? I am about to set off to go and have it cut off. As my wee orange style fairy said, "it is time." I shall see if I can donate it to cancer wigs (if they will have it?)
I am actually quite stressed about it since I have not had anything but long hair in five years. Also, like many of you, I have some "design dilemmas" with my hair. You know - straight in the front/curly at the back, the sheer knottiness of it all, etc.
So for all of you who are considering a restyle in the hair department, I blaze a trail for you. Ho hum. Wish me luck.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Story: Black Betty Bam a Lam
After ten years, the time was fast approaching for me to take my leave of London. As you know, I had spent the last couple of years acquiring a whole boatload of lovely wardrobe items and now it was November of 2007 and I had only weeks of London shopping left. There were still some critical items to get to complete my two-year designer shopping spree, so the pressure was on.
The most important of all the last minute items was an ‘it’ bag. Yes, I know I had just got myself a Chanel 2.55, but that was for Sunday best. I needed a statement bag for everyday use, and I set my sights on the very best I could find.
I went off to Selfridges one day and browsed the bags. I stroked the leather. I held them in my arms. And then I decided. A white YSL Muse it was to be. It was big enough, bold enough for the South Africa summer sun, and it looked amazing both over my shoulder and nestled into the crook of my arm. I stood back and admired my cleverness in the mirror.
But something held me back. I am not entirely sure what it was, but I had a weird nagging sense of doubt. Well, I don’t do nagging doubt. I buy things and just bloody get on with it. I am no shopping faffer. I am decisive and strong and bold in my choices. And so, reluctantly I set the Muse bag upon her stand and, with one last stroke of the leather, I slowly walked away.
I set out from Selfridges on Oxford Street and wandered a little aimlessly for a while and found myself inexorably drawn across the road, past the big Dotty P at the tube station, and sucked down the greatest shopping road in the world, Old Bond Street. I was happy to wander, so I passed by Reiss and Fenwicks. I popped into Mulberry and Jimmy Choo and then I found myself staring in at the window of stationery store, Smythson.
I had read about their Nancy bags and they looked delicious. I also know that they were luxury and expensive – not in an ‘it’ bag way, but in a proper investment way. I needed to get my diary for 2008 so I went into the store and asked about the bags. They showed me a wonderful chocolate brown version in three sizes. And when they opened the largest of these up and I peered inside and saw the lavender satin lining and the tardis-like capacity, I was sold. At just on £1000, this was a big deal. And so I decided that the black version it must be, in order to get the most out of the investment.
Needless to say, they did not have any large black Nancy’s in stock. Obviously. Too easy. This was a sad day for me and my handbag shopping. They said that they had a waiting list and would I like to be added. I asked how long it would take and they said a few weeks. I said that I didn’t have a few weeks and they must hurry. They said that they loved me and would pop me right up on top of the list. I knew that they were lying, but I was hopeful as I made my way back to north London that night.
Three weeks later, in early December, just two days before I flew out to South Africa I got a call from Smythson to tell me that I could come into the store. I strapped on my wings and I flew there as fast as the London public transport system would allow. And there she was. My big black Nancy. Waiting for me to take away and wear with pride in my new life in South Africa.
To be continued...
Coat Weather
News: Lifestyle Column #42
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Right Way to Wear the Tartan Trend
Remember, whether you are a boy or girl, less is more. One statement piece, worn in your own individual style, is the way to go. Ensure it is also good quality tartan. The real stuff, as far as possible - you know, made from wool. Avoid the synthetics else you just look cheap. This guy looks expensive and louche. Like some kind of hungover aristocrat just visiting the colonies...
The Purple Shall Govern
The most stylish thing you can do today in South Africa is vote. I have just been to my local voting station in Bo Kaap (with my book) and stood in a line for 75 minutes and proudly cast my vote for the party whose ideals and principals most closely resembled my own. And no, just because I am white does NOT mean that I cast my vote for the DA. Never have and never will.
Voting with your conscience, your integrity and your ideals is the way to go. Don't vote out of fear or pressure. Don't vote 'strategically' as we have a system of proportional representation in our fine democratic country and therefore EVERY vote counts. Don't be fooled by the hype and the scare tactics of the few and the fearful.
Go and get your purple thumb and know that you have done the only thing asked of you by our governmental system. You have got involved.
By the way, anyone who remembers the rolling mass action in the years leading up to the '94 elections, will remember the day when we, the protesters for freedom and equality, got fired at by a water cannon containing purple dye. I was wearing my boyfriend blazer at the time and it was largely unscathed, but my vintage brown leather jacket borrowed by my friend got completely soaked in purple dye. I am so proud of that unwearable jacket. Look at us now - the purple are really governing.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Amy in Teal
Monday, April 20, 2009
Justin in Stiaan Louw at the Market
The Resurgent Shoulder Pad - A Good Article

I read a great article this morning from the UK Times Online. It was all about the resurgent shoulder pad, as modelled by all the fashion editors currently togged out in it-label Balmain. An extract: "Once, shoulder pads divided the fashion world. In the Eighties, you were either a brash Bonfire of the Vanities type, in which case you generally had to exit doorways sideways, or you were in the intellectual vanguard of Japanese fashion, which mean delicate, little rounded shoulders. But now we’re all united in anti-disestablishment shoulder support. If you have secretly been in mourning for the Dynasty look these past 20 years (you know who you are), then you will fall on the new power jackets (and, as of next winter, blouses, T-shirts, dresses) like the old Bill Clinton falling on an intern. If you’re a rock’n’roll type, you will embrace the new snub-shouldered skinny boyfriend jackets. If you are a wannabe Hell’s Angel, you’ll want one of next season’s broad-shouldered, leather biker’s jackets now. Even if none of the above applies, the incontrovertible facts remain: shoulder pads make your waist and hips look smaller, your posture seem more upright, your spine straighter. Those are probably the most compelling reasons of all."
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Firzana - Hudson Street
The Rains Have Come
Friday, April 17, 2009
Superella by Ella Buter SS09/10
Excellent craftsmanship, a sense of humour, precision in design, identifiable reference points, innovation and eccentricity all come together to make for a stand out show. I loved it and it made me laugh and want some pieces at the same time.
Again, note these are just reminder shots and not supposed to be great photos.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Blogging Killed the Print Media Star?

I read an interesting article on WWD today about the launch, and subsequent sell out, of Kanye West's trainers. The point was that the only media form that could result in that kind of activity, was the fashion (specifically street wear) blog.
“There was a time when magazines would bring us up to date once a month, but nowadays everything moves 10 times as fast and blogs serve as the only means fast enough to keep us on point.”
Now as an avid magazine reader, I think that there is place for both, for different reasons. Magazines are Sunday afternoon luxury, holiday entertainment and quality over quantity. Blogs are fashion compasses and the immediate dual conduit between the consumer and the designer/retailer.
If you can accept some truth in this, surely the designers and retailer, PRs, advertisers and marketing folks should be all over us style bloggers like a rash? You'd think. Add to this that online is an extremely cost effective mechanism that takes the advertising directly to the very heart of the target customer, with very little wastage, it seems like a no brainer. The article also said, “What we do is help marketers zero in on these tastemakers...What we offer is nanomarketing. Each of these specialized blogs has their own little specialty, or silo, with their own devoted group of followers.”
Any takers?
Photo not mine
For the Love of Banana Republic

Yesterday I realised that an unnatural number of my favourite wardrobe pieces are not DvF or even Country Road, but are actually from Banana Republic. Now considering I left London before they opened a store there, and that the prices at Stuttafords are pretty hefty, it does take me aback a bit. A few I got when I was travelling to the States quite a lot (basic black shift dress, brown cashmere cardigan, black silk top, chiffon skirt, navy wrap dress, etc) and then I seem to have acquired a few pieces here, very subtlety (salmon dress, brown wrap, two silk tops, one chiffon top). That seems like an awful lot of clothing from the same label...
This is the gorgeous Dawn, in a colbalt blue shell from Banana Republic.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tiaan Nagel SS09/10
For those of you who haven't had the chance to see the work of Tiaan Nagel, I thought that I would share some of my personal shots with you. These are just 'reminder' shots I take from my place in the front row to act as prompts for when I write my reviews and analysis. They are never meant to be 'proper' photos but you may like them anyway. Tiaan is regarded as one of SA's great young talents. This particular collection is lovely, if a bit derivative.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Story: The Quest for the Vintage Handbag

So it came to pass in 2007 that I was living in north London and had a wardrobe full to absolutely bursting of beautiful designer clothing, shoes, bags and sunglasses. I knew what worked for me and what was beautiful but better for other people. Diane von Furstenburg and Temperley London were my favourite favourites, coupled with my ever growing collection of Jimmy Choos. And now I wanted the pinnacle of stylista possessions - a vintage Chanel 2.55 handbag.
For those of you who don't know, this is the classic Chanel quilted day bag with the chain strap. It was designed in February 1955 and thus the name (2.55) was begotten. [It's Easter, I am taking a biblical tone today...]
I had previously acquired several of my vintage DvF dresses via the magic that is eBay, and decided that this was the best approach to take for this new quest. And so began my sad little temporary addiction to the thrill of the online auction.
To be fair it only lasted a few weeks, but my stress levels rose exponentially! I bid for about seven different bags during this time. I was sensible. I set a limit in my mind of what I was prepared to spend and stuck to that. I diligently put in my bids - starting low and as raising it only to stay on top as the auction progressed. Every time I got my hopes up as the closing time drew near. And every time someone else snuck in at the last minute and snatched it away from under my nose.
Frustrated, I was tempted to start bidding on bags from less rated sellers. One day I gave in and put in a bid. It was quite low relatively speaking, but still a few hundered pounds. And I bloody won. Then I started stressing. A few days later I got an email from eBay telling me that the seller had been suspended pending investigation of dubious trades. And a few more grey hairs appeared atop my head. Luckily the deal was nullified and I wasn't forced to complete it. I went back to the more respected sellers and eventually, about a month later, managed to win an auction for a genuine (with cloth bag and credentials) vintage Chanel 2.55 and my quest was complete.
I love my bag a lot. But it is a hell of a ride doing these things via the web. I'd do it again in a heart beat if I was still looking to acquire lovely things, but staying sensible and remembering that nothing in life of value comes for free is a good approach to take.
To be continued...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Chris - Jacket and T-Shirt
Just take a look at the Elle fashion director's jacket detail. Now note the v-neck of the t-shirt. How about the paint splash print? You see now, guys? Interesting, stylish and individual. There is some Ben Sherman in the mix there so that's a good place to start. Also, don't forget how much we love his spectacles...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Neil and Anja - Newtown, Joburg
Friday, April 10, 2009
Melissa - Shoulder Detail
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Lerato - Face of Elizabeth Arden
So Catherine Zeta Jones is the global face of Elizabeth Arden. Then they decided to select one other girl around the world to specifically represent the brand in Africa. They chose this lovely creature. Her name is Lorato and she is divine. As you can see from the photo, she is funny and charming and gracious as well as incomprehensibly beautiful.
Two Totally Different Types of Trendy Boy
These chaps are all super-trendy. But here is a great demonstration of being able to find your own voice in the sea of fashion trends. On the one hand you have the skinny jeans, patent lace ups and jacket with a Kurt Pio cap guy - on the other you have the bang up to date checks and colour guys. Both rock.
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