It was one year ago today that I took my first photos and posted them on a blog. In the ensuing 365 days, I have met some wonderful new friends and realised some long held dreams, all because of this gentle online entity. A place of positivity and celebration, it has given me just as much as I have given it. Proof indeed that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Gracious thanks to everyone of you who have supported the blog and long may she rein as the foremost style blog in Mzanzi.
Highlights include:
1. New York Times referencing SGCT as representing local street style, alongside (sort of) Garance Dore and The Sartorialist.
2. The only SA street style blog to have been blog rolled from Berlin to Beijing
3. One Small Seed giving SGCT props for being the most accomplished SA street style blog
4. The Sunday Times naming SGCT as the Hot Thing of the Week
5. Cosmopolitan naming SGCT as the Hot Blog of the Month - and deciding to include me in the mag. Just wait till you see Cosmo June edition!
6. Chew the Magazine naming SGCT as Hot Blog of the month - and inviting me to be a contributor to this amazing online magazine
7. Regular appearances on Soli Philander's Cape Talk show as his Style Guide
8. And most special of all - on my first public foray to take pics on the street I met a cool girl called Busi. It turned out that she was producing a fashion TV series and one thing lead to another and I became the script writer on the show and her friend. This photo is of my friend Busi from March 2008.
I do find it interesting that the blog has received no love from the SA Blog Awards. But you can't win them all and I will take the New York Times over the SA Blog Awards any day!
Thanks to you all and here's to another year of even more success, style and street savvy.