I thought I would give you all the link to the schedule of shows for Joburg Fashion Week since it is taking place in about two weeks time. For the full Spring/Summer o8 schedule go to: http://www.africanfashioninternational.com/joburg_spring_summer/schedule.htm
Highlights on Wednesday 23rd include a lovely lady I met and posted on the blog a while ago, Mosa Mokuena, whose design is featured here, as well as Abigail Keats. If all goes according to plan, I will bring you some of the backstage gossip and interviews with both these ladies, as well as other highlights from the first day. Other shows I am looking forward to sneaking backstage for are David Tlale on Friday 25th and Philosophy on Saturday 26th.
But let's be honest, my main ambition is really to bring you the front row fashions at all the shows as well as who is wearing what at the parties after the shows. I will also cover the collections that really stand out and are worthy of competing on the international style stage.
For my readers that live in Joburg, this event is taking place at Montecasino in Sandton and you can get tickets at Computicket. If I see you there, make sure you come and say hello and be nice when I ask you if I can take your photo for the blog!