It's been a while, but here is a winter look from one of the city's most stylish ladies. Vintage and warm on a rainy weekend morning.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Winter Janet
It's been a while, but here is a winter look from one of the city's most stylish ladies. Vintage and warm on a rainy weekend morning.
One&Only Cape Town Outfits
I keep meaning to show you the photos I took a month ago when I did a sneak preview of the new One&Only Resort. Actually by now most of you will have seen all sorts of images, or even popped in yourselves for dinner at Nobu or Maze or just a drink at the bar. But worth pointing out are the outfits that all the staff wear. I believe that each member of staff was personally fitted for their uniforms, all designed and produced by Jenni Button.
And while not all the staff love having to hold their tummies in all day long in the form fitting dresses, it does make them stand up taller and look incredibly poised and sophisticated. Wouldn't wanna be ya.
Friday, May 29, 2009
My Story: Foolish Little Girl
With only days to go before I left London, I had packed my considerable wardrobe of dresses and general gorgeousness into many, many boxes – enough to fill half a container. To be fair I did no packing myself. Some lovely South African boys arrived fortuitously on my doorstep and did all the packing for me. They also packed up my kitchen, bathroom and lounge. But mostly my wardrobe.
Then I had no home left and had to seek refuge on my last days - first with my friend Gilly in Muswell Hill, just up the road. That was lovely and I managed to sell my car while I was there (a much loved black Mini, since you ask). I then spent a few days with my cousin in Wimbledon which was also lovely and relaxing, although I managed to leave my black cord riding jacket there. And then I moved out to the country to stay for two days with my friend Philippa in Oxfordshire, just a hop skip and jump from outlet shopping mecca, Bicester Village.
But before I left London, I had to do one last shopping trip with my cousin, of course. We headed for Diane von Furstenberg naturally. We whirled around the store, picking out, trying on and generally having a fabulous time. I eventually settled on a wonderful black dress with lace top and full volume skirt. I added in the perfect pencil skirt, a blouse of the brightest cobalt blue, and a candle. I love her candles. And the sweet lady in the store was incredibly helpful and appropriately fawning. Lovely.
However, when I saw the bag of goodies sitting on the counter as my credit card was processed, I was gripped by a strange shortness of breath and a tightness in my chest. It suddenly hit me. How was I going to get this home, with all my stuff already shipped, Temperley and Jimmy Coo at Bicester Village shopping still to do and a full suitcase lying, groaning, on the floor of my cousin’s house? I squeaked in fear.
The sweet lady in the store was very clever and she said to me, “we can ship this to Cape Town for you if you like.” Ahhh, I could breathe again. I asked how much it would cost and she told me that it would be £25 and I was delighted. I had spent just over £900 so it was a pretty good deal all round I thought. She even suggested she wait three days before sending it to make sure I was landed safely and had a day or two to settle in before having to collect my goods. All was well with my world.
It was a few days later, sitting at the Mugg and Bean in Cavendish Square on my first full day back in town that I got a call from Malcolm at DHL. He was phoning to say that they had my package and he just needed to check something with me for customs. He assumed that there was an error on the way bill as it said £900 for a skirt, dress and a candle. Did it really mean £90 by any chance?
“No, sorry, £900 is correct,” I foolishly replied. “Oh he said, then that will be R8500 for import duties. Do you want to settle in person at our office or would you like to send a cheque?”
To be continued...
A photo aside: this was the last photo I took in the UK. It was on the road to Philippa's house in Oxfordshire, on an unusually sunny day.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
More Model Magnificence
Just because they have legs that stretch all the way from here to the top of Table Mountain does not mean that they are silly or aloof. We had quite a nice chat about exams and career choices and travel and a few maths and science things that even I didn't understand. Yes, that's right folks, not even I...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Model Casting Prettiness
Arise Africa Fashion Week 12th-20th June 09
Hey all. For those of you who don't already know, Arise Africa Fashion Week will be taking place next month at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. It will be eight days of shows, from 51 different designers who hail from 21 different African countries. And then on the ninth day we will party. The first Arise Africa Fashion Awards will take place on the final day and we will get to see who rocks it and takes home the prizes.
Tickets are available from Computicket for R150, if you are in town and want to take it all in for yourself.
Over the years so many of the great designers have borrowed imagery and influence from Africa, and now it is the rest of the world's chance to see this fashion from the source.
I will be there of course, so if you can't make it, this blog will bring you all the front row glamour, all the gossip and the highlights of the fashion itself every single day. Don't go anywhere else.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Antonia Steyn - Life Through The Bandana
Monday, May 25, 2009
News: iafrica Lifestyle Column #47

Wondering if you can wear a hat this winter? Wondering which one you should wear? Well I have done the hard work for you. Just click here and read the article and soon enough you will have all the information you need to lead a long and successful winter of the hat. Have fun!
Photo from
Block Colour
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sylvie - Layers of Soft Colour
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Some More Style Guide Cosmo Girls
Friday, May 22, 2009
Style Guide Goes Cosmopolitan
So a long time ago Vanessa, Cathy and I had some lunch and decided that it was time to bring online street style blogs and mainstream fashion magazines together. Well, to be fair, it was Vanessa's idea. And so the new Cosmopolitan Style Counsel pages were born.
The June issue of Cosmo is now out in stores and you should rush out as fast as your wee pedicured feet will take you to snap up a copy and read what these incredible ladies have to say about fashon and style - and what I have to say about that!
It really is an exciting, and developing, collaboration between this blog, my voice and the iconic 25-year-old Cosmo mag. Props must go to Vanessa for finding a way to bring the online (contemporary) reflection of fashion into the pages of a magazine. And working with Cathy, Abby and the gang is NOTHING like Running in Heels or Stylista. I promise.
In order from the top - Amy, Qanita and Michelle.
When you have read it, tell me what you think. Or let me know if you think you've got what it takes to be a Cosmo Style Counsellor.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Country Road Bag
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
David - Pink Ant
The whimsical, quirky label, Pink Ant, is now available from the designers market at the Old Biscuit Mill on a Saturday morning. You can also find the collection at The Space and Mememe, but there is something really cool about being able to talk to the label owner as you shop. This is David and he is at the market every week.
One item I thought you may like is the stirrup legging. Available in a variety of colours and outstanding quality, these are not leggings that are going to be chucked away after wearing a dozen times.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
News: iafrica Lifestyle Column #46

As you all know by now, I am a Stiaan Louw stalker. As he launches his label in Johannesburg tomorrow, I thought that I would reflect on the developments in the brand this year. While we are not talking Mexican wrestlers this time, it is all rather exciting. Click here to read all about it.
This new photo was taken last Friday night by former Stiaan muse (and now brand collaborator) Nick Wicht, for the new web-based look book. It features Louwre, current muse, and the guy this blog introduced to Stiaan.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Store of the Day: Stock Exchange
I have to admit that I am slightly biased since I do take all my designer goodies to the Stock Exchange and they happily sell them for me. But if you are looking for a second hand shop that is a cut above, look no further.
A pair of never worn Jimmy Choos for R1500 (that's about a tenth of the retail price), a DvF dress with the tags still on it for R750 or a wonderful pair of jeans that you can't get in SA - all regularly make an appearance at this Kloof Street stalwart.
If you are looking for a special outfit or something just to lift and glam up your wardrobe, then head on up the road. You will get excellent advice on sizing and fit - delivered bluntly - and real people have placed their garments here so there is a broad spectrum of sizes, a shop not just for the skinny.
A Style Guide 4*/5 for The Stock Exchange in Kloof Street, Cape Town.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Recipe for a Considered Hippy
Settle In To Winter
Saturday, May 16, 2009
These Boots Are Made For Walking (in the Rain)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Deborah - Cape Town/London
This is Deborah who has recently decided to make Cape Town her home. Although she will still be spending quite a bit of time in London. Deborah is going to be importing some great, slightly obscure, labels from Europe - feminine but edgy clothes by designers who have not been seen yet in SA. She is still busy setting it all up but she will be selling online and it will be called
In this photo Deborah is wearing a fabulous silk jumpsuit by one of my favourite high street stores in the UK, Reiss. And some gladiators she picked up in the Gardens Centre.
Ribbons as Belts
If you head out to the market tomorrow morning, you really must check out this delightful stall that sells ribbons. Just ribbons. I am currently using ribbons as belts quite a bit - you know to tie around a long, fine knit cardigan rather than a traditional belt. It offers you more contrast colour if you are keeping the rest of the outfit pretty monotone, and it is a very disposable, inexpensive way of mixing up a favourite look.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Emerald Emma
News: iafrica Lifestyle Column #45

This week, my column is a list of the five essential footwear items that you need for winter 2009. Sure, you may not want all of them in your personal wardrobe, but make informed choices by clicking here to read the piece in full.
Photo courtesy of Nigel John Wade on
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Dotty Dress + Tan Leather Accessories
Colour and Layers: So Wrong It's Right?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Girls in Good Things
Extreme Eyewear New Joburg Store

There really isn't that much to know about me, but if you know anything at all, you will know that I believe Extreme Eyewear to be the ONLY place to get your goggs in this town. And now my friends in Joburg can get in on the action, as the first store opens there today in Morningside. And for the smutty amoung you, the new store will be run by twin sisters. Very rock 'n roll.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Vanessa's Coat
Saturday night at a friend's house and Vanessa was wearing this coat. Obviously acquired on shores not our own, but note the shoulder puff, the military detailing in the buttons, the funnel neck and the scoop hem. Combined with Sissy Boy skinny jeans and Luella shoes, for those of you who want to know.
Sunday Brunch
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mixing It Up
Friday, May 8, 2009
When is an Unfinished Collar Just and Unfinished Collar?

So in the interests of full disclosure, I must say that I am a bit grumpy. I feel a little cheated and ever so slightly disappointed. Also a smidgeon appalled. But that's altogether another story. OK.
So I went to the exciting Whatiftheworld gallery/design studio last night to see a display of new men's wear. I was rocked by Christopher Strong (designed by Elaine du Plessis) and will hunt them down for super chats and possibly some items as soon as I humanly can. Lovely.
And then, as you would expect with a group of new designers, the rest was interesting. Glad I saw it, but not in a rush to find out more quite yet. A bit more work and application, and we may have something there. And I know that there is a crowd of booing right now from all the trendy EVOL kids who love it all. But let's be honest. It is relevant in the main, but much work to do to get it all up to scratch. Lots of potential.
And I really hope that that the designers listen up. Please don't think that you are fully baked quite yet. Even Stiaan Louw, men's wear designer extraordinaire and leaps and bounds more evolved than these guys, is in a continual quest to learn more and improve and grow.
So my message to the creative lovelies from last night - work harder, apply yourselves, learn new techniques, evolve and grow and understand your market, your design aesthetic and your potential. Understand production and marketing. But also study pattern making and construction. Get to grips with tailoring. And remember, an unfinished collar/cuff/hem is not a 'thing', it is just an unfinished collar.
OK? Super.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
News: iafrica Lifestyle Column #44

This is another story from my high horse. I have been thinking about it, and I have become pretty anti fake fashion. There is just too much resultant damage that in no way justifies the cheap price tag. Click here to read more.
Photo by
Springleap Teen Bursary Competition

Design and market a t-shirt and win two bursaries to the AAA School. This is the latest innovative idea from t-shirt design and sales portal, Springleap. Check out the video here to see how you can win if you are currently a high school student.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
More Justin
It's a bit of a celebration week for the fans and followers of designer Stiaan Louw, with the launch of his new campaign that I got to break to you a few days ago. And so I thought it fitting to show you another Justin look - illustrator, muse, collaborator and retail guy for Stiaan - and definitely a style icon contender for this blog.
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